Our research
Our research tells us that we are all exposed to toxic chemicals every day and everywhere. Whenever possible, we provide practical tips to reduce your exposure. In collaboration with the Free University of Amsterdam, we tested the urine of international media stars for plastic additives. In 2018, Dutch influencers took part in our study and wore silicone wristbands measuring toxic flame retardants.
We all have toxic chemicals in our bodies. Even before we are born, we are exposed to 200 toxic chemicals in the womb. We encounter these toxins every single day of our lives. Plasticizers in our drinking bottles, flame retardants in our laptops and toxic fluorinated chemicals in our ‘healthy’ lettuce.
But, because toxic chemicals are everywhere and related to a wide variety of diseases, people find the issue too big and too overwhelming to understand. They feel powerless to change anything and make a difference.
Our tests with media personalities make the abstract topic of toxic chemicals concrete, personal and real. Working with stars like them is our way to make sure everyone becomes aware of our daily exposure to toxic chemicals. We believe this growing awareness and a demand to do something about toxic chemicals will stimulate the demand for toxin-free products and increase public support for regulations for a toxin-free world.
In 2019, Erase all Toxins teamed up with international media personalities such as BBC presenter Liz Bonnin and Guardian journalist Lucy Siegle. We tested a sample of their urine for chemicals that are prevalent in plastics. They were shocked to learn that we found several plasticizers listed as substances of very high concern by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The study, commissioned by the Plastic Soup Foundation, was broadcasted on the popular current affairs programme ‘Tonight’.
In 2018, Erase all Toxins developed a wrist band with the help of the Free University of Amsterdam. The wrist band was an easy-to-use tool created to measure toxic chemicals. 14 influencers, including entrepreneurs, Dutch Members of Parliament and radio DJs wore the wristband for a week and were shocked to find they had been exposed to a large variety of toxic chemicals in their everyday lives. The Dutch media reported the results of our test and, together with our partners Plastic Soup Foundation, WECF and Wemos, we presented a petition to the Dutch government.
We all have toxic chemicals in our bodies. Even before we are born, we are exposed to 200 toxic chemicals in the womb. We encounter these toxins every single day of our lives. Plasticizers in our drinking bottles, flame retardants in our laptops and toxic fluorinated chemicals in our ‘healthy’ lettuce.
But, because toxic chemicals are everywhere and related to a wide variety of diseases, people find the issue too big and too overwhelming to understand. They feel powerless to change anything and make a difference. - HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Our tests with media personalities make the abstract topic of toxic chemicals concrete, personal and real. Working with stars like them is our way to make sure everyone becomes aware of our daily exposure to toxic chemicals. We believe this growing awareness and a demand to do something about toxic chemicals will stimulate the demand for toxin-free products and increase public support for regulations for a toxin-free world.
In 2019, Erase all Toxins teamed up with international media personalities such as BBC presenter Liz Bonnin and Guardian journalist Lucy Siegle. We tested a sample of their urine for chemicals that are prevalent in plastics. They were shocked to learn that we found several plasticizers listed as substances of very high concern by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The study, commissioned by the Plastic Soup Foundation, was broadcasted on the popular current affairs programme ‘Tonight’.
In 2018, Erase all Toxins developed a wrist band with the help of the Free University of Amsterdam. The wrist band was an easy-to-use tool created to measure toxic chemicals. 14 influencers, including entrepreneurs, Dutch Members of Parliament and radio DJs wore the wristband for a week and were shocked to find they had been exposed to a large variety of toxic chemicals in their everyday lives. The Dutch media reported the results of our test and, together with our partners Plastic Soup Foundation, WECF and Wemos, we presented a petition to the Dutch government.